Friday, March 19, 2010

Then or now

Putting my thoughts into words has been difficult recently..It's been a while though, and this warm weather brings me back to where I was last year during this same time.

Bizarre. It's still so easy and fresh in my memory, walking into my apartment after school each day, the gravel along the walkway that dug into my slipper or moccasins or whatever I normally wore to avoid having to tie my shoes, the way the apartment smelled (like the cheap gray carpeting that lined most of it)...

Mostly, I was concerned with my thesis, drinking watery coffee and sustaining myself on ice pops and Dunkin Doughnuts flatbreads. Nothing ever felt entirely clean or free of grime. (I blame Jericho Turnpike)

With all of this, the point being...I feel like crying when I think of that time, and I'm not sure why.

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