Thursday, September 10, 2009

Final excercise of procrastination before ...

I'm feeling anxious here at work. I have fears that my internship with the nonprofit arts group may be falling through. Well, to explain, I was supposed to start after this holiday weekend, but then a death in the family of the head of the program has greatly postponed that. Or rather, communication has ceased altogether. I don't want to seem insensitive by reaching out to them repeatedly to find out what's going on, though part of me feels like this may secretly be what I wanted too.
To backtrack a little more, I've was apprehensive about accepting the internship. One problem was that I wouldn't have a workspace (asides from my lap) but more importantly, I didn't get the right vibe there. Beggars can't be choosers though, and I figured that I had nothing to lose, much to learn and best of all, they would cover the cost of my unlimited monthly.
Honestly though, I was doing it for the metro, and now that this is beginning to seem like it may not be, that becomes my biggest concern.
Also, I formed a very real disdain for Craigslist after my last job search, which makes applying for a new internship that much more painful. I feel like I have to act now though, when galleries are looking for fall interns. I want guidance in whether I should wait out to see what happens with this internship, which would really help in easing my money situation, but I'm unsure about, or if I should go ahead and start looking for a new one with a gallery I like. I have another internship starting this Sunday at a small gallery, but as it is only once a week, I know I will def. need something more. It's doubtful if I get a new internship I'll still get a metro, seems like budget wise I would be screwed. (goodbye fall boots)

I am hoping that an adult will pop up and tell me what to do.

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