Friday, January 29, 2010

things i learned at work

- Article on a book about luv- well, that was depressing...

- Vik Muniz: Overrated and flat imo. Also, left Sao Paolo for New York, wtf, it is 18 degrees today. Then again, he is probably not here anyway as he is an INTERNATIONAL ART STAR**

- Edward Butynsky: Fuck it really asking so much for artists to go mainstream and make their work into wallpapers so I can surround myself in their artistic glory? Canadians are cooler than I wanna admit.

**I LIED, he had an opening on Saturday in NYC. When I told my boss I didn't like him becuz I found him boring and lame I was advised to tell no one else in the *art world* such things. *eye roll*

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Running out of steam? noo0o

Ahh yes...there is something endearing about eating cup noodles from the office kitchen for dinner towards the end of the month...

The biggest "issue" in my life right now seems to be the acquisition of enough sleep, which doesn't come easy when one maintains "work hard, play hard" as their life mantra. I got the promotion @ work, but it feels worthless when I don't have the energy to grab it by the balls and own it.

That being said, I have at least 4 friends with birthday parties this weekend, but I think I'll be staying home and sleeping instead. I'll get some fake nails on Sunday afternoon and maybe even watercolor a bit before if it's sunny enough. I definitely need some jogging/yoga/butt kicking (pole/belly-dancing classes start in two weeks...). In short, taking the weekend off to be me...

Will likely be out drunk and nasty by Sunday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Been looking for regularity these last few weeks, that didn't really happen. The last three weeks have been somewhat tumultuous:

-Given the insane and very blessed opportunity to live/study in Asia for 3 months come spring. I leave March 3...or do I (see next).

-Returned to the gallery, super intense stress-time as we prepare for a new exhibit (opens tomorrow!) while organizing/designing material for the next shows catalogue. The upside to these newfound responsibilities is that I was offered a promotion my first day back! Still deciding whether to take the opportunity or go to China...(many things have yet to be discussed...)

-Have been forcibly thrown into the world of bedbug victimization. Many hours @ reception job are consumed with hunting for better ways to kill them. That being said, they have yet to invade my own living area (knock on wood) but that has not stopped me from living in a state of constant paranioa.

- Moved into the new apt yesterday, that is, after a week of non-stop painting, caulking, flooring and w/e else we could find to renovate. It feels like home though already, and the fridge isn't even plugged in.

Okay. Till next time.